August 30, 2010

Breaking Down the alternate to Stephenie Meyers’ Breaking Dawn?

Twilight author Stephenie Meyer interviewed by the Twilight fans and Stephenie Meyer shares her thoughts on the upcoming Breaking Dawn, feeling burned out and dreaming up “Breaking Down”, Twilight merchandise and her appreciation for Billy Burke and Anna Kendrick.

SM: This one she says may not be answerable.

Kallie: It may not be legal and that’s okay. If it’s not, okay. I feel like a rebel right now.
Kassie: You are. I told her not to ask it.
Kallie: I’m the straight-laced one. Okay, so Breaking Dawn the book is being made into two movies.
SM: Yeah.
Kallie: Breaking Dawn I, Breaking Dawn II?
SM: Oh the names?
Kallie: Yes, for the movies.
SM: Oh I don’t know. I don’t know.
Kallie: Do you have any ideas or anything?
SM: I don’t have anything. I was thinking about that one because Breaking Dawn I and Breaking Dawn II is really flat, but then what else are you gonna do?
Kallie: I think we should look towards the Alien movies and what they’ve called them ‘cause I always think that the baby scene…
Matt: “Breaking Dawns”?
Fansite: You know how it’s like breaking out?
Kallie: Yeah, “Breaking Out” is number one and Breaking Dawn can be number two. No, not really. But you know—
SM: “Breaking Down”.
Matt: “Breaking Down Again”.
SM: “Breaking Down” was actually a project for awhile. There was awhile where you get burned out. We came up with an alternate Breaking Dawn called “Breaking Down”.
Fansite: Nice.
SM: It was awesome.
?: There was a lot of really good stuff.
SM: Spiraling downward into the destruction of Bella Swan’s life and everyone around her. Charlie ended up being a meth addict. It was cool.
(chatter and laughter)
SM: No, no it was awesome! Okay, so it starts out with Bella on the same cliff, right? But this time she’s taking her life and she’s going back over like everything that’s happened to get to this point, and it all kind of got started because there was trouble and Alice and Jacob…I forget how it works. Jacob killed Alice right? And it was somewhat Bella’s fault.
Fansite: What?!
SM: No, no. It was “Breaking Down.” So Alice is dead and Edward is horrified because this is Bella’s fault and he like backhands Bella and disappears. He’s gone. All the Cullens are gone. Alice is dead. The Cullens are gone. So Bella’s in the hospital on heavy pain meds which is how Charlie got addicted, and she ends up marrying Mike because you know she settles and she marries Mike. And so she’s stuck with Mike and it’s really depressing and then he leaves her for Eric Yorkie.
(chatter and laughter)
?: You’re forgetting Lauren what’s her name on America’s Next Top Model.
SM: Oh and Lauren Mallory wins America’s Next Top Model. Um and then Charlie ends up getting killed by drug dealers and so …I think her mom died in a car accident somewhere. And so she ends up…there’s nothing so she’s gonna kill herself and then she thinks at the very edge at the cliff at the end: “You know? This is stupid. I’m not gonna kill myself. I’m gonna rebound. I’m gonna forge a new life.” She turns around; she trips and falls over anyway.
(chatter and laughter)
Elysa: This needs to be made.
Matt: It needs to be a graphic novel too.
SM: Well I…you know there were so many expectations for Breaking Dawn that were like: “If this doesn’t happen I’m going to hate it.” And then the exact opposite: “If the exact opposite doesn’t happen I’m going to hate it.” I’m like: “I’m gonna write something that everybody hates!” And then I wanted to leak it you know? And just like have little pieces of it and people be like: “Oh my gosh!” It was gonna be great. We have a lot of fun when coming up with these horrific ideas.
Kallie: It sounds like it.
SM: You know the thing is that Billy Burke would kill Charlie on drugs. He’d be so good at that.
SM: I’m just surprised that he hasn’t been…He’s an amazing talent. Like where are people in picking him up? ‘Cause he is amazing. I want to see him in more things.

To Read the rest of the Transcript or Listen to the Audio Clip CLICK HERE.

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